Add an Itinerary

An unlimited number of ‘sub itineraries’ can be added to a booking. These may be Pre and/or Post main tour arrangements, optional excursions, or even services for specific Pax etc.

The first itinerary name defaults to Itinerary1, the second to Itinerary 2 etc. These can be overwritten by typing the name into the Itinerary Name field under Itinerary Settings. When the Save button is clicked, the itinerary name updates the tab name.

Add an itinerary

  1. Make sure the pax configuration screen is displayed (see Set Pax Configurations).
  2. This example itinerary has been re-named Pre Tour Accommodation.

    NOTE: If a specific itinerary does not have any accommodation services in it (e.g., Optional Sightseeing), the pax configuration should be Single rooms.

  3. When you are done with itineraries, continue to Add Services to a Group Booking, to add services for the new itinerary. Otherwise, make a selection from the Groups menu according to the type of information you need to update.

Deleting an itinerary

Selecting an itinerary

When to create additional itineraries?

A separate itinerary must be set up for each change in the number of pax using a service.

The Optional Sights Itinerary has an arbitrarily entered 10 pax in it. There are three Optional sightseeing tours available on day 4.Some pax may decide to do all three, some may only do one.

The three optional services are:

  • River Rafting - 236.00 pp
  • Jet Boat Ride - 132.00 pp
  • Gondola Ride - 32.00 pp

If (as an example) there are 8 pax on the River Rafting, 11 on the Jet Boat ride and 18 on the Gondola and the pax numbers are edited in each of the services, the following would be the result:

  • 8 x 236.00 = 1888.00
  • 11 x 132.00 = 1452.00
  • 18 x 32.00 = 576.00

Total = 3916.00

3916.00 / 10 (the number of pax on the Optional Sights Itinerary) = 391.60 pp. It’s quite probable that the 11 doing the Jet Boat don’t include all of the 8 doing the rafting etc, so the costs are not being reflected accurately on a pp basis.

For this reason, pax quantity in the itinerary header must reflect the number of pax having the service(s) in that itinerary.

The following examples show how an accommodation service can be attached to a specific itinerary once the itinerary has been created.

Service Line Insert screen

Service Details screen

NOTE: We suggest creating a separate itinerary, as numbers can be overridden in cost screens of services which in turn will display correctly if you do a line itemised itinerary.

For example, with the Optional Sightseeing, if 15 pax are doing the optional on day 2 and 20 pax are doing the optional on day 4, then a separate itinerary needs to be set up for each of those services. The reason is that the cost per person is always based on the number of pax in the booking header.

For an example of this, see When to create additional itineraries?.

What next?

The remaining topics in this chapter describe each of the options under the Groups > Itinerary menu.